1-Heuristic and adaptive techniques in telecommunications:An Introduction
2-Evolutionary methods for the design of reliable networks
3-Efficint network design using heuristic and generic algorithms
4-Tabu search and evolutionary scatter search for`Tree-star`network problems,with applications to leased line network design
5-Addressing optimization issues in network planning with evolutionary computation
6-Node-pair encoding genetic programming for optical mesh network topology design
7-Optimizing the access network
8-Routing control in packet switched networks using soft computing techniques
9-The genetic adaptive routing algorithm
10-Optimization of restoration and routing strategies
11-GA-based verification of network protocols performance
12-Neural networks for the optimization of runtime adaptable communication protocols
13-Adaptive demand-based heuristics for traffic reduction in destributed information systems
14-Exploring evolutionary approaches to distributed database management
15-The automation of software validation using evolutionary computation
16-Evolutionary game theory applied to service selection and network ecologies
17-Intelligent flow control under game theoretic framework
18-Global search techniques for problems in mobile communications
19-An effective genetic algorithm for fixed channel assignment