دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless netwoking and mobile computing (2006) / Boukerche ، Azzedine، نویسنده
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
سرشناسهBoukerche ، Azzedine، نویسنده
عنوان :Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless netwoking and mobile computing
ناشر:بیجا : Champan & Hall/CRC
سال نشر :2006
صفحه شمار:983
مندرجات1-Fundamental Algorithms and protocols for wireless netwoking and mobile computing2-Wireless communication and mobile computing3-Medium acces control(MAC) protocols for wireless networks4-Distributed channel acces scheduling for Ad Hoc networks5-Multiple acces protocoles and scheduling algorithms for multiple channel wireless networks6-Multichannel MAC protocoles for mobile Ad Hoc networks7-Distributed algorithms foe some fundamental problems in Ad Hoc8-Routing and traversal via location awareness in Ad Hoc networks9-Ad Hoc routing protocols10-Cluster-based and power-aware routing in wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks11-Broadcasting and topology control in wireless Ad Hoc networks12-Cross-layer optimization for energy-efficient information processing and routing13-Modeling cellular networks for mobile telephony services14-Location information services in mobile Ad Hoc netwoks 15-Geographic services for wireless networks16-Location management algorithms based on biologically inspired techniques17-Location privacy18-Radio resource management algorithms in wireless cellular networks 19-Resource allocation and call admission control in mobile wireless networks20-Distributed channel allocation protocols for wireless and mobile networks21-Adaptive mobility control and its applications in mobile Ad Hoc networks23-Self-orgnization algorithms for wireless networks24-power management in mobile and pervasive computing systems25-Collision avoidance,contention control,and power saving in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs26-QoS enhancements of the distributed IEEE 802.11 medium acces control protocole27-QoS support in mobile Ad Hoc networks28-QoS provisioning in multi-class multimedia wireless networks29-TCP over wireless networks30-TCP developments in mobile Ad Hoc networks31-Intra-piconet polling algorithms in bluetooth32-A survey of scattemet formation algorithms for bluetooth wireless personal area networks33-Bluetooth voice acces networks34-NTP VoIP test bed:a SIP-based wireless VoIP platform35-cross-layer algorithms for video transmission over wireless36-wireless sensore network protocols 37-Information fusion algorithms for wireless sensore networks 38-Node activity scheduling algorithms in wireless sensore networks39-Distributed collaborative computation in wireless sensor systems40-security architectures in wireless LANs41-Security in wireless Ad Hoc networks42-Field-based motion coordination in pervasive computing scenerios43-Technical solutions for mobile commerce38-Node activity scheduling algorithms in wireless sensore networks39-Distributed collaborative computation in wireless sensor systems40-security architectures in wireless LANs41-Security in wireless Ad Hoc networks42-Field-based motion coordination in pervasive computing scenerios43-Technical solutions for mobile commerce
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زبان مدرک :English
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