1. Introduction2. Electronic Materials and Processing3. MEMS Materials and their Preparation4. Standard Microelectronic Technologies5. Silicon Micromachining: Bulk6. Silicon Micromachining: Surface7. Microstereolithography for MEMS8. Microsensor9. Introduction to SAW Devices10. Surface Acoustic Waves in Solids11. IDT Microsensor Parameter Measurement12. IDT Microsensor Fabrication13. IDT Microsensors 14. MEMS-IDT Microsensors15. Smart Sensors and MEMSAppenix A. List of AbbreviationsB. List of Symbols and PrefixesC. List of Some Important TermsD. Fundamental ConstantsF. Properties of Electronic & MEMS Metallic MaterialsG. Properties of Electronic & MEMS Semiconducting MaterialsH. Properties of Electronic & MEMS Ceramic and PolymerMaterialsI. Complex Reciprocity Relation and Perturbation AnalysisJ. Coupled-mode Modeling of a SAW DeviceK. Suggested Further ReadingL. WebographyM. List of Worked Examples
1. Introduction To Wireless systems
2. Transmission Lines and Microwave Networks
3. Noise And Distortion In Microwave systems
4. Antennas And Propagation For Wireless Systems
5. Filters
6. Amplifier
7. Mixers
8. Transistors Oscillators Frequency Synthesizers
9. Modulation Techniques
10. Receiver Design
Appendix A: Wireless system frequency bands
Appendix B: Usefull Mathematical results
Appendux C: Fouriers And Lapace Transforms
Appnedx D: The complementary Error Function
Appendix E: Chebyshev Polynomials
Appendix F: Decibels and Nepers