1.Learning algorithm s for neuro_Fuzzy networks
2. Towards aunified theory of intelligent autonomous control systems
3. Reasoning by analogy in fuzzy controllers
4. Information complexity and fuzzy control
5. Alternative structures for knowledge representationin fuzzy logic controllers
6. Dynamic analysis of fuzzy logic control structures
7. Intelligent fuzzy controller for event_driven ,real time systems and its VLSI implementation
8. Constraint _Oriented fuzzy control schemes for cart_pole systems by goal deqoupling and genetic algorithms
9. A self genrating and tuning method for fuzzy modeling using
10. Fuzzy control of VVS type and its robustness
11. The composition of heteregeneouscontrol laws
12. Synthesis of non_linear controllers via fuzy logic
13. Fuzzy controls under product_sum_gravity methodes and new fuzzy control methodes
14. Fuzzy modelinf for adaptive process control
15. Fuzzy controllerwith matrix representation
16. A self_tunnig fuzzy reasoning model with application to fuzzy control
17. Hybrid neural _fuzzy reasoning model wiyh application to fuzzy control
18. Learning fuzzy control rules from Examples
19.A computational Approach to fuzzy logic controller design and analysis using cell state space methodes
20. An adaptive fuuzzy control model based on fuzzy neural networks
21.Human friendly fuzzy transportation fuzzy
22. Control of a chaotic system using fuzzy logic
23 . Application of a fuzzy control technique to superconducting actuators using high _Tc superconductor
24. Fuzzy logic based Approach to machin_tool control optimization
25. Fuzzy management of Chashe_memories
26. Fuzzy controllers on Semi_CostumVLSI Chips
27. General analysis of fuzzy_ control led Phase-locked loop
28. A fuzzy logic controller for a rigid disk drive