1. Units associated with
basic electrical quantities
2. An introduction to
electric circuits
3. Resistance variation
4. Chemical effects of electricity
5. Series and parallel networks
6. Capacitors and capacitance
7. Magnetic circuits
8. Electromagnetism
9. Electromagnetic induction
10. Electrical measuring instruments and measurements
11. Semiconductor diodes
12. Transistors
13. D.c. circuit theory
14. Alternating voltages and currents
15. Single-phase series a.c. circuits
16. Single-phase parallel a. c. circuits
17. D.c. transients
18. Operational amplifiers
19. Three phase systems
20. Transformers
21. D.c. machines
22. Three-phase induction motors
23. Revision of complex numbers
24. Application of complex numbers to series a. c. circuits
25. Application of complex numbers to parallel a. c. networks
26. Power in a.c. circuits
27. A.c. bridges
28. Series resonance and Q- factor
29. Parallel resonance and Q- factor
30. Introduction to network analysis
31. The superposition theorem
32. The superposition theorem
33. Thevenin?s and Norton?s theorems
34. Delta-star and star-delta transformations
35. Maximum power transfer theorems and impedance matching
36. Complex Waveforms
37. numerical method of harmonic analysis
38. Magnetic materials
39. Dielectrics and dielectric loss
40. Field theory
41. Attenuators
42. Filter network
43. Magnetically coupled circuits
44. Transmission lines
45. Transients and Laplace transforms