دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

The handbook of optical communication networks (2003)
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
عنوان :The handbook of optical communication networks
تکرار نام مولف :Mohammad Ilyas, Hussein T. Mouftah [editors]
ناشر:بیجا : CRC
سال نشر :2003
صفحه شمار:78
مندرجات1. Overview of optical communication networks:Current and future trends2. Evolution of optical networks architectureDesign aspects of optical communication networks4. Evolution to an optical broadband services network5. Multiprotocol label switching6. Dynamic synchronous transfer mode7. A survey on fair bandwidth allocation for multicastover the Internet8. Emerging optical network management9. Optical network resource management and allocation10. Real-time provisioning of opticalcommunication networks11. Routing and wavelength assignmentwith multi-granularity traffic in optical networks12. Adaptive routing and wavelength assignmentin all-optical networks: the role of wavelength conversionand virtual circuit deflection13. Connection management in wavelength-routedall-optical networks14. A novel distributed protocol for path selectionin dynamic wavelength-routed WDM networks15. Distributed lightpath control for wavelength-routedWDM networks16. Recent advances in dynamic lightpath restorationin WDM mesh networks17. Restoration in optical WDM mesh networks18. Shared alternate-path protection with multiplecriteria in all-optical wavelength-routed WDM networks19. Optical transport networks:A physical layer perspective20. Fiber optic sensors21. Wavelength converters3
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زبان مدرک :English
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