دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Standard handbook of biomedical engineering and design (2003) / Kutz ، Mayer، نویسنده
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
سرشناسهKutz ، Mayer، نویسنده
عنوان :Standard handbook of biomedical engineering and design
ناشر:بیجا : McGraw-Hill
سال نشر :2003
صفحه شمار:1126
مندرجات1-Modeling and simulation of biomedical systems
2-Bioheat transfer
3-Physical and flow properties of blood
4-Respiratory mechanics and gas exchange
5-Biomechanics of human movement
6-Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system
7-Biodynamics:a lagrangian approach
8-Bone mechanics
9-Finite-element analysis
10-Vibration,mechanical shock,and impact
12-Biomedical composites
14-Cardiovascular biomaterials
15-Orthopedic biomaterials
16-Biomaterials to promote tissue regeneration
17-Bioelectricity and its measurement
18-Biomedical signal analysis
19-Medical product design
20-Cardiovascular devices
21-Design of respiratory devices
22-Design of controlled-release drug delivery systems
23-Sterile medical device package development
24-Design of magnetic resonance systems
25-Instrumentation design for ultrasonic imaging
26-The principle of X-rays computed tomography
27-Nuclear medicine imaging instrumentation
28-Breast imaging systems:design challenges for engineers
29-Computer-integrated surgery and medical robotics
30-Technology and disabilities
31-Applied universal design
32-Design of artificial arms and hands for prosthetic applications
33-Design of artificial limbs for lower extremity amputees
34-Home modification design
36-Clinical engineering overview
37-Technology planning for health care institutions
38-An overview of health care facilities panning
39-Department/program management
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زبان مدرک :English
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