1. Introduction to the Problems of Analysis and Control ofElectric Power Systems2. Configuration and Working Point3. Frequency and Active Power Control4. Dynamic Behavior of the Synchronous Machine5. Dynamic Behavior of Network Elements and Loads6. Voltage and Reactive Power Control7. The Synchronous Machine Connected to an Infinite Bus8. Electromechanical Phenomena in a Multimachine SystemAppendix 1:Transformation to Symmetrical ComponentsAppendix 2 :Park’s TransformationAppendix 3:Elementary Outline of the Automatic ControlTheory
1. Introduction to data Conversion and processin
2. Basic sampling circuits
3. Sample_and_Hold Artichecture
4. Basic Principles of Digital_to_analog Conversion
5. Digital_To_Analog Converter architectures
6. Analog_To_Digital coverter Architectures
7. Building Blocks Of Data Conversion Systems
8. Precision Techniqyes
9. Testing and Charactrization