1.Introduction 2.Discrete-time signales and systems 3.The Z-transform and its application to the analysis of LTI systems 4.Frequency analysis of signals and systems 5.The discrete fourier transform: Its properties and application 6.Efficient computation of the DFT: Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms 7.Implementation of discrete-time systems 8.Design of digital filters 9.Sampling and reconstruction of signals 10.Multirate Digital signals processing 11.Linear prediction and optmum linear filters 12.Power spectrum estimation Appendix A.Random signals correlation function and power spectra Appendix B.Random number generators Appendix C.Tabels of Trasition coefficients for the design of linear-phase FIR filters Appendix D.List of matlab functions
1. Introduction
2. Conventional Encryption : Classical Techniques
3. Conventional Encryption : Modern Techniques G25
4. Conventional Encryption : Algorithms
5. Confidentiality Using Conventional Encryption
6. Publi-Key Criptography
7. Introduction to Number Theory
8. Message Authenticaton and Hash Functions
9 Hash and Mac Algorithms
10. Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols
11. Authentication Applications
12. Electonics Mail Security
13. IP security
14. Web Security
15. Viruses and Worms
17. FireWalls
Appendix A