دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Troubleshooting Analog Circuits (1993) / Pease ، Robert A، نویسنده
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
سرشناسهPease ، Robert A، نویسنده
عنوان :Troubleshooting Analog Circuits
ناشر:بیجا : Butterworth-Heinemann
سال نشر :1993
صفحه شمار:217
مندرجاتI. First Things First: The Philosophy of Troubleshooting
2. Choosing the Right Equipment
3. Getting Down to the Component Level: Resistors and Inductors
4. Getting Down to the Component Level: Capacitor Problems
5. Preventing Material and Assembly Problems: PC Boards and Connectors, Relays and Switches
6. Understanding Diodes and Their Problems
7. Identifying and Avoiding Transistor Problems
8. Operational Amplifiers-The Supreme Activators
9. Quashing Spurious Oscillations
I 0. The Analog-Digital Boundary: A Never-Never Land?
I I. Dealing with References and Regulators
I 2. Roundup of “Floobydust”: Loose Ends That Don’t Fit Elsewhere
I 3. Letters to Bob
I 4. Real Circuits and Real Problems
Appendix A :Digital ICs with Nonstandard Pinouts
Appendix B :Operational Amplifiers with Nonstandard Pinouts
Appendix C :Understanding and Reducing Noise Voltage on 3-Terminal Voltage Regulators
Appendix D :Testing Fast Comparators for Voltage Offset
Appendix E :VF VS. IF on Various Diodes
Appendix F :How to Get the Right Information From a Data Sheet
Appendix G :More on SPICE
Appendix H :Pease’s Troubleshooting Articles as Originally Published in EDN
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زبان مدرک :English
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