2.Communication Models
3.A Communications Framework foe Engineering
4.The Engineering Profession and Communication
5.Engineer`s Information Seeking and Use
6.Factors Affecting Information Seeking and Use
7.Information Output by Engineers
8.Engineering Education and Communication Skills
9.The Engineering Scholarly Journal Channel
10.Engineer`s Journal Information-Seeking and Reading Patterns in an Emerging Electronic Era
11.Engineering Communication Patterns Compared with Science and Medicine
12.The NASA/DOD Aeroscape Knowledge Diffusion Research Project
1. Introduction
2. Communication models
3. A communications framework for engineers
4. The engineering profession and communication
5. Engineers’ information seeking and use
6. Factors affecting information seeking and use
7. Information output by engineers
8. Engineering education and communication skills
9. The engineering scholarly journal channel
10. Engineers’ journal information-seeking and reading patterns in an emerging electronic era
11. Engineering communication patterns compared with science and medicine
12. The NASA/DOD aerospace knowledge diffusion research project
13. Summary
About the authors