1. Introduction and overview2. The finite element method3. Integral equation technique4. Planar circuit analysis5. Spectral domain approch6. The method of lines7. The waveguid model for the analysis of microstrip discontinuities8. The transmission line matrix(TLM) method9. The mode_matching method10. Generalized Scattering matrix technique11. Transverse resonance technique
1-Wireless communications system architecture and performance
2-Advanced GaAs-Based HBT designs for wireless communications systems
3-Inp-Based devices and circuits
4-Si/SiGe HBT technology for low-power mobile communications system applications
5-Flicker noise reduction in GaN field-effect transistors
6-power amplifier approaches for high efficiency and linearity
7-Characterization of amplifier nonlinearities and their effects in communication systems
8-Planner-oriented passive components
9-Active and high-performence antennas
10-Microelectromechanical switches for RF applications
11-Micromechanical K-Band high-Q Resonators,filters, and low phase noise oscillators
12-Transceiver front-end architectures using vibrating micromechanical signal processors
1. Wireless Communications System Architecture and Performance
2. Advanced GaAs-Based HBT Designs for Wireless
Communications Systems
3. InP-Based Devices and Circuits
4. Si /SiGe HBT Technology for Low-Power Mobile
Communications System Applications
5. Flicker Noise Reduction in GaN Field-Effect Transistors
6. Power Amplifier Approaches for High Efficiency and Linearity
7. Characterization of Amplifier Nonlinearities and Their Effects
in Communications Systems
8. Planar-Oriented Passive Components
9. Active and High-Performance Antennas
10. Microelectromechanical Switches for RF Applications
11. Micromachined K-Band High-Q Resonators, Filters, and Low
Phase Noise Oscillators
12. Transceiver Front-End Architectures Using Vibrating
Micromechanical Signal Processors