دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

مشخصات ناشر

ناشر: Routledge

واقع در: New York

نتایج مرتبط با این ناشر

   مرتب سازی     درج پیشنهاد خرید   پالایش جستجو
Best tall buildings (2012)
Economic theory and its history: essays in honour of Neri Salvadori (2016)
Dynamics of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship : business strategy and public policy (2016)
Construction detailing for landscape and garden design : surface, steps and margins (2016) / Hensey ، Paul، نویسنده
Late neoclassical economics: the restoration of theoretical humanism in contemporary economic theory (2017) / Madra ، Yahya M، نویسنده
The Theory of the Firm An overview of the economic mainstream (2017) / Walker ، Paul، نویسنده
International Money and Finance (2017) / Makin ، Anthony، نویسنده
Game Theory and Exercises (2016) / Umbhauer ، Gisele، نویسنده
CAPITALISM THE BASICS (2016) / Coates ، David، نویسنده
Elements of Architecture Assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces (2016)
Bounded rationality and behavioural economics (2016) / Mallard ، Graham، نویسنده
Death in a consumer culture (2016)
Spatializing culture : the ethnography of space and place (2017) / Low ، Setha، نویسنده
Museums, ethics and cultural heritage (2016)
People’s spaces : coping, familiarizing, creating (2016) / Perera ، Nihal، نویسنده

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