دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Modern Cryptography Theory and Practice (بی تا) / Mao ، Wenbo، نویسنده
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
سرشناسهMao ، Wenbo، نویسنده
عنوان :Modern Cryptography Theory and Practice
ناشر:بیجا : Prentice Hall
سال نشر :بی تا
صفحه شمار:755
مندرجاتworking principles, discusses their practicalusages,2. Wrestling Between Safeguard and Attack3. Probability and Information Theory4. Computational Complexity5. Algebraic Foundations6. Number Theory7. Encryption — Symmetric Techniques8. Encryption — Asymmetric Techniques9. In An Ideal World: Bit Security of The Basic Public-Key Cryptographic Functions10. Data Integrity Techniques11. Authentication Protocols — Principles12. Authentication Protocols — The Real World13. Authentication Framework for Public-Key Cryptography14. 14. Formal and Strong Security Definitions for Public-Key Cryptosystems15. Provably Secure and Efficient Public-Key Cryptosystems16. Strong and Provable Security for Digital Signatures17. Formal Methods for Authentication Protocols Analysis18. Zero-Knowledge Protocols19. Returning to "Coin Flipping Over Telephone20. Afterremark
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زبان مدرک :English
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