دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

UNCERTAINTY AND INFORMATION (2006) / Klir ، George J، نویسنده
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
سرشناسهKlir ، George J، نویسنده
ناشر:بیجا : Wiley
سال نشر :2006
صفحه شمار:518
مندرجات1. Introduction
2. Classical Possibility-Based Uncertainty Theory
3. Classical Probability-Based Uncertainty Theory
4. Generalized Measures and Imprecise Probabilities
5. Generalized Measures and Imprecise Probabilities
6. Measures of Uncertainty and Information
7. Fuzzy Set Theory
8 . Fuzzification of Uncertainty Theories
9. Methodological Issues
10. 10 Conclusions
Appendix A Uniqueness of the U-Uncertainty
Appendix B Uniqueness of Generalized Hartley Measure
in the Dempster–Shafer Theory
Appendix C Correctness of Algorithm 6.1
Appendix D Proper Range of Generalized
Shannon Entropy
Appendix E Maximum of GSa in Section 6.9
Appendix F Glossary of Key Concepts
Appendix G Glossary of Symbols
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زبان مدرک :English
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