دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
سرشناسهMcCOMB ، GORDON، نویسنده
ناشر:بیجا : McGraw -Hill
سال نشر :2001
صفحه شمار:768
مندرجات1. The Robot Experimenter
2. Anatomy of a Robot
3. Tools and Supplies
4. Common Electronic Components
6. Electronic Construction Techniques
7. Programming Concepts: The Fundamentals
8.Building a Plastic Robot Platform
9. Building a Basic Wooden Platform
10 .Building A Metal Platform
11. Constructing High Tech Robots from Toys
12. Build Custom LEGO-based Robots
13. Creating Functionoids with LEGO
Mindstorms Robotics Invention System
14. Programming the LEGO Mindstorms RCX:
Advanced Methods
15. All About Batteries and Robot Power Supplies
16. Robot Locomotion Principles
17. Choosing the Right Motor for the Job
18. Working with DC Motors
19. Working with Stepper Motors
20. Working with Servo Motors
21. Build a Roverbot
22. Build a Heavy-Duty Six-Legged Walking Robot
23. Advanced Locomotion Systems
24. An Overview of Arm Systems
25. Build a Revolute Coordinate Arm
26. Build a Polar Coordinate Arm
27. Experimenting with Gripper Designs
28. An Overview of Robot “Brains”
29. Interfacing with Computers and Microcontrollers
30. Computer Control Via PC Printer Port
31. Using the Basic Stamp
32. Using the BasicX Microcontroller
33. Using the OOPic Microcontroller
34. Remote Control Systems
35. Adding the Sense of Touch
36. Collision Avoidance and Detection
37. Robotic Eyes
38. Navigating Through Space
39. Fire Detection Systems
40. Sound Output and Input
41. Experimenting with Tilt and Gravity Sensors
42. Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits for the Robot Expermenter
Appendix A :Further Reading
Appendix B: Sources
Appendix C :Robot Information on the Internet
Appendix D :Interfacing Logic Families and ICs
Appendix E :Reference
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زبان مدرک :English
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