دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Design of integrated circuits for optical communications (2012) / Razavi ، Behzad
نوع مدرک:متون چاپی
سرشناسهRazavi ، Behzad
رده‌بندی کنگره :TK8320 .R39 2012
عنوان :Design of integrated circuits for optical communications
ویرایش :Second edition
ناشر:London : ISTE ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley
سال نشر :2012
صفحه شمار:xvii, 424 pages
ویژگی :illustrations
ابعاد :26 cm
یادداشتIncludes index
موضوع‌ها :اصفا
Integrated circuits ؛ Integrated optics ؛ Optoelectronic devices -- Equipment and supplies ؛ Optical communications -- Design and construction ؛ TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Circuits / VLSI & ULSI
چکیده :"The increasing demand for high-speed transport of data has revitalized optical communications, leading to extensive work on high-speed device and circuit design. This book deals with the design of high-speed integrated circuits for optical communication transceivers.Building upon a detailed understanding of optical devices, the book describes the analysis and design of critical building blocks, such as transimpedance and limiting amplifiers, laser drivers, phase-locked loops, oscillators, clock and data recovery circuits, and multiplexers.This second edition of this best selling textbook has been updated to provide information on the latest developments in the field"-- "This book deals with the design of high-speed integrated circuits for optical communication transceivers"--
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زبان مدرک :English

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